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Q: Which word means telling a story with as few words as possible?
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Panta as in Pantamime means story so that means the mime is telling a story woth no words,

What words means to use as few words as possible to tell a story?

concise succinct to the point short precis

Which word means to use as few words as possible to tell a story?

The word is "concise."

What is the meaning of emotion in narration?

I'm not 100% if this is what your teacher means, but I would say it means what emotion the narrator feels when telling a story and how it comes throug hin their words.

How did history get its name?

history got its name because its made up of two words "his" and "story" which basically means someone telling a factual story of what happened in the past of someone elses story which has already be told.

What is point of view of a book?

A point of view is the person that is telling the story. If a book has the words "I", "Me" or "My" that aren't quoted, then that book is being told by a 1st person point of view. That means the narrator is also a character in the story. If a book has the words "he", "she", "they", or "it", that is being told by a 3rd person point of view. That means the person telling the story has nothing to do with the charters or anything, sort of like they're just a bystander. Hope that helps you!

Which word means to use few words as possible for a story?

The word you are looking for is "concise." It means to express thoughts or ideas using as few words as possible without losing clarity.

What words can you use to start a story?

You start a story using whatever words you want - you're the writer! Just pretend you're telling your friends the story and start writing.

What is the purposed Storytelling?

When someone asks "what is a storyteller's purpose" they are asking you for what reason did the author write this story. In other words what was his/her purpose for telling the story.

Is dancing considered acting?

to me it is a form of acting, your telling a story through your body instead of through words

What describes a first-person narration?

A first person narrator is the person telling the story; they use words like "I" and "we."

What are 5 words telling how the story ended?

words that tell how a story ended: * abruptly * suddenly * in an open ended manner * predictably * dramatically * unpredictably * sadly * happily * negatively * positively * confusing * inconclusively * creatively