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A writer or speaker's choice of words is a literary device called diction.

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13y ago
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14y ago
You call it Lexis or the writers choice of diction

more commenly reffered to as style

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Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? That is a choice.

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sentence variety

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Q: Which element of writing style refers to the author choice of words?
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Which element of writing style refers to the choice of words?

sentence variety

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What element of writing style refers to the author's attitude towards the subject?

He has the choose to choose there traits and how they feel.

What is the diction of a book?

The diction of a book refers to the author's choice of words and the style of language used in writing. It includes the vocabulary, syntax, and tone that contribute to the overall mood and atmosphere of the book.

What sentence most clearly describes diction?

Diction refers to the author's choice and use of words to convey a specific meaning or tone in their writing.

Is tone a literary element or technique?

Tone is a literary element, as it refers to the author's attitude or feelings towards the subject matter. It helps establish the overall mood or atmosphere of a piece of writing.

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Which element of writing style refers to the authors attitude towards the subject?


What element of writing style refers to the authors attitude toward the subject?


What term refers to careful and deliberate word choice in speaking or writing?

The term is diction.

What is word choice in a story?

Word choice in a story refers to the selection of specific words and phrases by the author to convey a certain tone, mood, or meaning. It plays a crucial role in shaping characters, setting, and developing the overall narrative style of a story. The choice of words can evoke emotions, create imagery, and impact how the reader interprets the story.