Verdict is accented on the first syllable.
second syllable "thet"
The first syllable is accented.
The accented syllable in the six syllable word, endocrinology, is the 4th syllable, ol.
If you are referring to the word "symmetry", then the first syllable.
The second syllable should be accented in the word "chauvinism."
The first syllable in "directions" should be accented, so it is pronounced as "di-RECT-ions."
The second syllable in the word metropolis should be accented. It should be like me-TRO-po-lis.
The second syllable.
The second syllable in the word "syllable" is accented.
Yes the word common has an accented syllable. Common is accented on the first syllable.
Certain . First accented syllable.
The accented syllable in the word "except" is the first syllable, "ex-".
The accented syllable in the word "remind" is the first syllable "re-".
No. The capitalized syllable in "lonely" is not typically accented. The accent falls on the first syllable in this word.
The accented syllable in the word "desert" is the first syllable.