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Doctors now usually use medical applications online more than a reference set of books that may become quickly outdated. Currently the most popular are the PubMed database, and the online services by Medscape and MDLinx.

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Q: Which series of medical books do doctors use for reference?
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Experience and reference books

How was Florence Nightingale trained to be a nurse?

she trained herself by reading medical books and observing doctors and nurses

Who is Trotula Platearius?

One or the first female doctors recorded in history. She also wrote many medical books.

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There are several pictures in medical books of hair that is ingrown on the scalp. You can find these books in a library or even at your local doctors office.

What is the phone number to contact medical books?

The phone number to contact a "medical book" depends on the publisher. Different books have differnt publishers. For instance, the Merck Manual is published by Merck, while Gray's Anatomy (the book, not the television series) has a different publisher. Additionally, the Physician's Desk Reference also has a different publisher. In order to contact the "medical book", check the copyright page, located the publisher, and then the phone number may be determined.

Who has educated knowledge about the unethical medical practices used during the Holocaust?

I do believe all the books are available at I have 3 books that would answer your qustions.First one is called the nazi doctors Medical killing and the psychology of genocide by Robert jay lifton.The second one is called Doctors of infamy the story of nazi medical crimes By Alexander Mitscherlich and Fred mielke.And the last being called Auschwitz A doctors eyewitness account By DR.Miklos Nyiszli. A current movie based on this book is out at this time called the grey zone.

What is the suggested reference books in science for class 7?

Class 7 golden reference books

Make a sentence with doctors read?

Doctors read books.

Aieee exam reference books?

The reference books required for the exam will be those text books you used during your course work.

Which books may not be taken out in the library?

reference books

Where can one learn about AFib?

AFib is also known as Atrial Fibrillation, which is a medical term used by doctors and nurses. It means an abnormal heartbeat of fast rhythm. You can learn more about this by reading medical text books.

What is the world record for longest book series?

The "Dragonlance" series holds a selection of over 190 books. (previous answer)Wrong. Star Wars has 288 books; not including graphic novels, behind the scenes and reference books