A word or phrase that has a negative or disliked association connected to it, most commonly due to social use or misconceptions of a word or it's meaning.
When you say "drinking", it carries the connotation of drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol to excess, and becoming addicted to it.
Depends on the sentence it is used in
The definition of connotations is that which is implied by a word in addition to its literal or primary meaning. Connotation is the feeling a certain word or phrase makes us feel suddenly. It can also mean the negative or positive feeling society places on some words especially slang.
It is a negative connotation.
Yes, "worthless" carries a negative connotation as it implies a lack of value or importance.
The word "beautiful" carries a positive connotation, suggesting attractiveness and aesthetic pleasure.
The word "failure" typically has the most negative connotation in a sentence.
Yes, "thief" typically carries a negative connotation as it refers to someone who steals something that does not belong to them.
Yes, hanging typically carries a negative connotation as it is often associated with punishment, executions, or suicide.
When you say "drinking", it carries the connotation of drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol to excess, and becoming addicted to it.
Can you restate that sentence without a negative connotation?There was a connotation of grief in his voice.
Emaciated is a synonym of thin that carries the most negative connotation, suggesting extreme thinness often due to illness or malnutrition.
Yes, the word "steal" typically carries a negative connotation as it implies taking something without permission or unlawfully.
Yes, the word "evil" typically carries a strong negative connotation. It is often used to describe something or someone that is morally wrong or harmful.
A negative connotation of the word "ask" could be perceived as being demanding or intrusive, depending on how it is used in a sentence.
Depends on the sentence it is used in