Lower Case
by pereviewing your story focus chunk your story and mark your mirgin
The proofreading mark used for an insertion is basically a v shape or an inverted caret; when written, you use the caret point like an arrow point to indicate where the insertion should go, ideally in a different color than the normal text to call attention to it. Then, at the wide point of the caret you write what needs to be inserted. If it is too long to write at that point, you draw a line to the margin and add the insertion text there.
Editing Answer Editing can be for the purposes of improving, lengthening, or shortening an article or book. Editing can also be collecting articles or scientific papers and putting them in sensible order for a book. Proofreading is simply to correct spelling and gross grammatical errors, not change content, meaning or word count.
Stet means to let it stand and is a standard proofreading mark. When stet is inserted in a document, the selected text must remain part of that document.
the q with a line in it
The proofreading mark for an error in a sentence would be a caret (^) to indicate where the correction should be inserted.
The proofreading mark for lowercase is a caret symbol (^) placed below the letter that needs to be lowercase.
The proofreader's mark NP signifies a new paragraph. It is used to indicate to the typesetter or editor where a new paragraph should begin in the text.
Lower Case
Lower Case
The proofreading mark DS stands for "delete space." It is used to indicate that there is an unnecessary space that should be removed between two words or sentences.
Proofreading means to read something & mark corrections in it. It could also be called editing. ChaCha on!
Commonly used proofreading marks include inserting a word, deleting a word, changing the order of words, indicating a transpose of words, adding a space between words, and marking a line break. They are used by proofreaders to communicate necessary corrections to the text being reviewed.
paragraph mark
You would use a caret (^) inserted above or below the error to indicate it needs to be corrected.
by pereviewing your story focus chunk your story and mark your mirgin