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This word refers to the person delivering the commentary of a novel or poem. Some synonyms for the word 'narrator' include 'teller' and 'storyteller,' for example.

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7y ago

The voice that an author takes on to tell a story. Or, the storyteller in a book or movie. Can also be the person who tells the off screen story in a documentary

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The person telling the story. Apex

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Q: What is the meaning of the word 'narrator'?
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The base word for "narrator" is "narrate."

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Teller and storyteller are synonyms for narrator.

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Voiceover or VO is the voice of an unseen narrator or of an onscreen character not seen speaking in a movie.

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The word narrator is a noun. A narrator is one who narrates.

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The Tagalog word for narrator is "manunulat."

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the narrator began the story with a brief sentence.

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The word "narrator" in Filipino can be translated as "nagpapahayag" or "nagsasalaysay".

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'MEANING' in other words can be the 'vocabulary' of a word or the 'essence' of the word as to what the word precisely means. OR meaning is the meaning of meaning what you just said meaning

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The type of figurative language being used here is metaphor. The comparison between a physical ambush in the jungle and the past constantly surprising or overwhelming the narrator is a metaphorical way of expressing that idea.

What word means the meaning of words?

'MEANING' in other words can be the 'vocabulary' of a word or the 'essence' of the word as to what the word precisely means. OR meaning is the meaning of meaning what you just said meaning

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The word that best describes Larry Reyes according to the narrator in "Gravity" is "observant."

Can you give a sentence with the word narrator?

A narrator is the person who tells the story. Here are some sentences.A famous actor was the narrator for that science documentary.The narrator of the story must be a character that is present at the main action.We listened intently as the narrator spoke.