In contraction of words, the apostrophe is always placed at the spot where the letter(s) has been removed. In this case, at the place of the second o.
do not: don't
after the t (it's) You put an apostrophe on 'its' if it's a contraction of "it is." Otherwise, 'its' has no apostrophe because that's its nature.
no matter what you usually have to put a period after an apostrophe because it's the end of a sentence.
Aren't- The apostrophe replaces the 'o' in this circumstance.
after the t (it's) You put an apostrophe on 'its' if it's a contraction of "it is." Otherwise, 'its' has no apostrophe because that's its nature.
Put the apostrophe in mices right after s.: mices'
No apostrophe is to be putted in this sentence.
Personally, no. But it's not incorrect to put the apostrophe.
"Volkswagen" doesn't require an apostrophe.
no matter what you usually have to put a period after an apostrophe because it's the end of a sentence.
Aren't- The apostrophe replaces the 'o' in this circumstance.
won't (:
No, you do not need to put an apostrophe in the word "hundreds" unless you are indicating a contraction or possession.