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Q: Where is the primary accent in the word advertisement?
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Where is the primary accent in the word heterosexual?

The primary accent in the word "heterosexual" is on the third syllable, "ro."

What is the primary accent of advertisement?

The primary accent of advertisements is typically on creating an emotional connection with the audience, persuading them to take a desired action, such as purchasing a product or service. This is achieved through compelling storytelling, catchy slogans, and engaging visuals that capture attention and make the brand memorable.

What is the primary accent in the word exhalation?

La exhalacion (accent on final 'o', which is also the primary accent)

Where is the primary accent in the word tentative?

The primary accent in the word "tentative" is on the second syllable - "ten-ta-tive."

Where do you find the primary accent in the word facsimile?

The primary accent in the word "facsimile" falls on the second syllable: fac-SIM-ile.

What is the primary accent of facsimile?

The primary accent of the word "facsimile" is on the first syllable: FAC-si-mile.

What syllable receives the primary accent in the word nominee?

The primary accent in the word "nominee" is on the second syllable, "no-MI-nee".

What is the primary accent in the word selective?

The primary accent in the word "selective" is on the second syllable, so it is pronounced "sə-LEK-tiv."

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What syllable in the word procrastinate contains the primary accent?

The primary accent in the word "procrastinate" falls on the third syllable: pro-CRAS-ti-nate.

What syllable receives the primary accent in the word comparable?

The primary accent in the word "comparable" falls on the second syllable, pronounced as "com-PAR-a-ble."

Where is the primary accent in the word cogent?
