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Bookshops, and ultimately from printing presses.

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Q: Where do books come from?
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Most books say they come the Chinese. Most books say they came from the Chinese Most books have said that they came from china.

Where did paperback books come from?

they come from Australia and New Zealand

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The city they live in is never mentioned in the books.

Are paperback books cheaper then hardback books?

Yes. Yes, usually. A lot of books tend to come out in hardback first and then a year or so later they will come out in paperback and be considerably cheaper!

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It will come out in the fall of 2010. so get out ur reading glasses 'cause theses books are beast:)

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Is there a sixth book of the 'The Lightning Thief' books?

No but he started the new series... Heroes of Olympus- 2 books out now. (More to come.) The Kane Chronicles- Also 2 books out now. (More to come.)

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Where did the Harry Potter books come from?

The author is British.

What was the titles of the books Obama made?

you well come

Do any readers come with books?

No, but almost all electronic bookstores have free books available to download.