The oldest I can find it is August Underground (2001) around 0:06:40. Other than that, a BMTH song. though I doubt BMTH knowingly watched that movie and stole the line, that's the “origin“
[disclaimer don’t watch this movie it’s all kinds of wrong. a couple of young men said “let’s make the most disturbing film possible“, then made it and kinda almost succeeded at their goal. There’s Nudity and T*orture and uncensored SA, avoid at all costs if you aren’t a “dead dove do not eat” fan or seek these films as a ‘cope’]
Well if you dont sleep you will be cranky and have rings around your eyes so if you do sleep you would look better
Yes. A good night's sleep is written correctly.
stay up late ...
It means have a sleep for some time ...
Well if you dont sleep you will be cranky and have rings around your eyes so if you do sleep you would look better
someone who'd obviously had a very bad sleep the night before!
someone who'd obviously had a very bad sleep the night before!
I think you're thinking of this phrase in Hamlet's "To be or not to be" soliloquy: "To die, to sleep; / To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; / For in that sleep of death what dreams may come . . ."
The phrase 'did you sleep well' in Indonesian is apakah kamu tidur nyenyak?In word by word translation: 'did' is apakah, 'you' is kamu, 'sleep' is tidur, and 'well' (as in sleep well) is nyenyak.
The phrase sleep tight means that an individual is affectionately hoping another person has a good sleep. It is often used in a rhyme such as "sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite".
Sleep on it.
"Why do you say sleep tight?" should be entered into Then you will get your answer <3 (:
Yes. A good night's sleep is written correctly.
The phrase "Wo yao shui jiao" is in Mandarin Chinese and translates to "I want to sleep" in English. The phrase consists of three characters - "Wo" meaning "I," "yao" meaning "want," and "shui jiao" meaning "sleep." This phrase is commonly used to express the desire or need to rest or go to sleep.