In Portuguese aunt is spelled Tia (you pronounce it chia) and uncle is tio(you pronounce it chi-o)
Ciocia or Ciotka is the word for aunt in Polish. Aunt = ciotka; uncle = wujeck
In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.The gender specific noun for the sister of your parent is aunt.The gender specific noun for the brother of your parent is uncle.
Your uncle-by-marriage's nephews might be you and your siblings. You are your uncle's nephew or niece.They might be the children of your aunt's siblings (your aunt being his wife), in which case they are your cousins.If they are your uncle's nephews by virtue of being children of his siblings, they are no relation to you at all.
Zia e zio is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "aunt and uncle."Specifically, the feminine noun zia means "aunt." The conjunction e means "and." The masculine noun ziomeans "uncle."The pronunciation is 'TSEE-ah eh TSEE-oh."
Uncle is to aunt as father is to mother.
The phrase means Aunt Mary or Aunt Marie= In Spanish. Tia is aunt, Tio is Uncle, you have heard of Tio Samuel of July 4th birthday!
Sister-in-law describes a female. Brother-in-law describes a male.
The opposite relationship of uncle would be Niece or Nephew.(The opposite gender is aunt.)
The son of your aunt and uncle is your first cousin.
Great great aunt/uncle. To your niece, you are the aunt/uncle, to her child you would be the great aunt/uncle. So you would then be the great great aunt/uncle of her child's child (her grandson)
Your niece will call you her aunt or uncle.
In spanish, aunt is tia and uncle is tio.
I saw your aunt and uncle
Your uncle's sister is your aunt, or possibly your mother.
Zio e zia is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "uncle and aunt." The declarative statement may apply to the siblings of both one's parents. The pronunciation will be "TSEE-o ey TSEE-a" in Italian.