"Pronunciation" - the sound of words when spoken
for the word "site" which two words have the same pronunciation?
Mekkekron is the right pronunciation
In a standard dictionary you can find a key to pronunciation marks within the definition
Lists of words grouped together according to similarity of meaning (synonyms and antonyms). It differs from a dictionary, which contains definitions and pronunciation.
Most dictionaries will show the pronunciation of words.
Weirdness is in the eye of the beholder. Some words that I find weird from a pronunciation point of view are:iguanainstantaneousinauguralimperativeitchyibisinfuriatingisoscelesichthyologyidiosyncrasy
== == The study of the pronunciation of words is called "etymography" or "orthoepy."
Some words that can be made from the letters in pronunciation are:aacornactactionanantaptauctioncancantcaponcaptioncarcarpcartcatcitroncoinconcoopcoronacorncourtcrooncropIiconinincurinnionironitnapnationnipnitnonoonnornotnotionnounnunnutoaroilononionopinionororcaourpapanparpartpatpatroonpinpinionpitpoorportportionpotpourpoutpronounprotonranraspratriotroanrootroutruinrunrunttaptapirtintiptotoiltontonictootoptorntoucantourtraptriptrooptunicturnturnip
"Pronunciation" - the sound of words when spoken
A book that provides definitions of words and their specific pronunciation is called a dictionary.
for the word "site" which two words have the same pronunciation?
Bon + Jore