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Babylon is a great place to go to translate English into Polish. Other ways to obtain translation from English to Polish is Google online translator and the Bab la dictionary. Systransoft has an excellent English to Polish translation service.

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Q: Where can one go to translate English into Polish?
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Well, there definitely are words in every language that will translate exactly into English. Some Polish, maybe? Yes, so, that's it. Hope you enjoy studying languages and definitely have a go at Polish, it's really fun!

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There are many programs which are available to translate something from French to English. In Google Chrome, there is an option to translate at the top of the page.

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One way to translate Chinese to English is to use Google Translate. To do this, simply go to Google Translate and type what is wanted to be translated between the two languages.

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Donati (if you don't trust me go on to google translate)

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You can't I don't think.

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You can translate from English to French using online translation tools such as Google Translate, DeepL, or Microsoft Translator. You can also use mobile apps like the Google Translate app for on-the-go translations. Additionally, some websites offer professional translation services for accurate and high-quality translations.

Where can you go to translate French to English?

If you have Microsoft office word, you can right click on your mouse and go translate or go to google and type in "GOOGLE TRANSLATE" and you can translate any thing you want Hope this helps Sia Peeps

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Translation: Va dormir. One tip is to look in an english/french dictionary.