P.S. at the end of a letter stands for Post Script. Post=after and script=letter. After Letter message. And P.P.S. = post, post script. They are both for if you forgot to write something in the letter, and want to add it in.
"P.P.S." is what I think you mean, not P.S.S. If you use P.S., which would be used for an afterthought to what is already written, then that means "Post Script" (Post= After, Script=writing; derived from word Scriptum, Latin), then, if there is an additional thought, P.P.S. is used, meaning Post, Post-Script, and so on.
Dear JohnP.S. Post-Scripts sometimes are used to convey a thought that is completely unassociated with the topic in the main writing. (Post-script; Think: After script)
P.P.S. Sometimes they are used to list ideas completely unrelated. (Post, post-script; Think: After, post-sript)
P.P.P.S. These could continue forever as long as you add another "P". (This one is Post, post, post-Script; Think: After, post, post-script.)
P.P.P.P.S. (In other words, Post- post, post, post-script; Think: After, post, post, post-script.)
P.S. stands for "post-scriptum." It means something added after a letter or other written communication, for instance adding a detail.
Here is an example:
Dear Mom,
Thanks for the Christmas tree. It's been fun. The kids are learning how to decorate it. It's getting really pretty. Thanks for everything to put under it as well. I know the kids will be excited.
p.s. It is really cold here; we might even have a white Christmas. You would love it.
"P.S." stands for "Post Scriptum", which is Latin for "After Writing". What is usually included in a letter following "P.S." is information which was intended to be included in the bulk of the letter, but was left out by accident or forgetfulness, so it has been included at the bottom.
Pending Sale
Mind your Ps and Qs means to use good manners.
It stands for either Plastation(R) or Post Script meaning after the main body of a letter.
Post Script (PS) is a marker that the following in an afterthought. So the following sentence or paragraph should begin with a capital letter.
It could be a note, missive, memo, or line.
PS stands for Post Script. Usually an addition to a note or letter.
PS stands for Post Scriptum, which is Latin for "written after." It is used to add additional information that the writer forgot to include in the main body of the letter. In this case, the PS indicates that someone is coming the next day as an afterthought.
In an epistle/letter PS means 'Post Scriptum'. 'Post Scriptum' is Latin for 'after writing'.
Im pretty sure it means "post script" as in at the end of a letter after you put the signature. example: love, isabelle P.S. Can you fly in for my graduation?
No, PS stands for Postscript, which is used at the end of a letter to add additional information.
The enclosure typically comes first on a letter, followed by the PS (postscript) if included. The PS is used for added thoughts or information after the main body of the letter and any enclosures.
dmd Ps
A letter add-on would be PS, therefore a 2nd letter add-on is PPS. Will PS I hope this helps
what comes first, enclosure or PS in a letter
PS stands for postscript. It is used to add something to a letter that was forgotten or deemed less important than the main content. It is a way to add an additional message after the letter has been completed.
It stands for Professional Service.
Post Script