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Q: When was the English horn invented?
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Did the English Horn change since it was invented?


Who invented the English horn?

It was invented in Poland. But we are retards so we dont know

Who invented the car horn?

I invented the car horn

What date the french horn was invented?

It wasn't invented but evolved from early horns. The earliest horn was a hunting horn. These date from the 16th century .

What is the English horn also called?

The English horn is also known as the Cor Anglais

Where was the French horn invented?

The French Horn was invented in 1753, it was invented because it was used for commutation and for the beautiful sound it made.

How long is the English horn?

The English horn is 2 feet 7.5 inches

How do you describe an English horn?

The cor anglais (English horn) is a double-reed woodwind.

Is the English horn suprano or bass?

The English Horn is generally considered a mezzo soprano

Is a trumpet a horn?

No it is not the same as a French or English horn.

What horn isn't a horn at all it's the brother of the oboe?

English horn

Where can you buy a single English horn case but not an english horn and oboe combo case?
