MsRabbit, the person who asked this question didn't want you to use already. They wanted all ready.The meaning of already is before the time in question. The meaning of all ready is wholly equipped or prepared.I have already taken out the trash.He acted as if he didn't already know.The ballplayers have already taken batting practice.I am all ready to, dad!We are all ready to board the plane.The players are all ready to start the game.
The word sought may be one of these:initiative - (noun) first action, action taken without instructionannotative - (adjective) referring to explanatory notes or comments
That depends on how you feel about it. A polite answer would be "No, not at all" but you might need to say "I'm sorry, but that seat is already taken"
Your poison dart will not affect me because I have already taken the antidote. Reckless drivers dart in and out of traffic.
When you get to college you have to take copious of notes
To enter questions you have about the information after you've already taken notes
writing down questions about the notes you've already taken.
Creating a small and large column on your notepaper organizes your notes into the material you heard or read, and the questions you have.
Yes they're called cornell notes, on the left side u write questions corresponding to the notes taken on the right side
No, if you do this and both get similar answers, you could be accused of cheating. YOU are in the wrong, you should have taken notes of your own. If you are here friend then you should not seek to spoil here chances of success.
Already Taken was created in 2010.
Ask for it back.
Run away and start a new life.
Yes they're called cornell notes, on the left side u write questions corresponding to the notes taken on the right side
I'm Already Taken was created in 1978.
visually organizes the notes taken while reading.