when you are wrighting a question or awnser of when you like or dont like something
well gusto is a present form of the verb gustar meaning to like. me gusto means i like.
as a question? do you like? gustar is the verb to like. te preceeding a verb is addressing the person you are speaking to.
gusta= like "gustar" is the verb meaning, "to like"
Just use it! Or do you mean, can you use the word beheld in a sentence.
The word paper came into use in 1341. It is a derivative of the word papyrus.
You would use the singular form of gustar, which is gusta, with a singular noun. For example, "Me gusta la pizza" (I like pizza).
"Gustar" means "to like" except that it is passive, the equivalent of "to be pleasing."For example:Me gusto el color azul. = I like the color blue - literally The color blue pleases me.
To like
Gustar Holst
"gustar" - 'me gusta' = I like (literally, (it) pleases me), "semejante" (similar to) and "como" (e,g, like an elephant)
well gusto is a present form of the verb gustar meaning to like. me gusto means i like.
Gustar is one of those odd verbs that is conjugated not by the person, but rather by the object. Gustar literally means "Is pleasing to" So when you say "Me gustan los gatos" you are really say "The cats are pleasing to me" Therefore, in the preterite form you only need two forms or gustar. The 3rd person singular and plural forms which are gustó -- It was pleasing to... gustaron -- they were pleasing to...
You're going to like me.
In spain. enjoy such as for food. Que te aproveches. Have fun, deviertete Gustar is a verb that may also be used to mean "to enjoy", in Spanish
Like you (resembling) = Como tú
it has a grammar error in it, but it means: "and I begin to please you"
"Gustar" is a Spanish verb that means "to like." It is used to express preferences or to indicate that something is pleasing to someone. The structure of this verb is different from English as it is often used with indirect object pronouns to indicate who likes or is being pleased by something.