In gaming terms it is an acronym for Real Time Strategy, as opposed to Turn Based Strategy. RTS is the "request to send" signal to the modem from a computer, which would normally be answered with CTS, or "clear to send." Each of them have standard pin selection and voltage levels under RS232 and related standards. Many implementations simply ignore these or tie them to DSR (dataset ready) or DTR (terminal ready) or similar.
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The two girls were very mean to me. This is a sentence containing the word mean.
i want make dsr report
show me the picture sony dsr pd 170 to sony dsr pd 170p remote commander
code source de dsr sous omnet++4.1 en .cc
She uses the DSR-Precision DSR 50 sniper rifle, in the epsoide with the drug dealers.
either the DSR or the PDW
DSR cameras allow you to take clear pictures. The higher grade your camera is, generally, the better and clearer the picture that it enables you to take with it.
plaster with neat coat of cement
The Sony DSR 200 is a good camera, but before you buy anything, make sure you do some research. Make sure it has all the features you are looking for.
DSR cameras range in price depending on where you buy them from. If you're buying online they can range anywhere from $200 to as much as $8,000. Or you could look on a site such as ebay.
Anatomical imaging allows medical personnel to look inside the body to take single slices and add them together, DSR uses about 30 x-ray tubes.
Digital single lens recorder
DSR cameras were first developed in the early 2000s. I have one, which is a pink Kodak easy share. It is not of very good quality, so if looking for a particular model, DO NOT get a Kodak.