Ethnocentric, ethnology
Orthopedist is a word that contains a Greek root that means "straight or correct."
kinema - a thing which is moved.
Integrity comes from the Greek words integritas and integra meaning whole.
what is the greek root for homograph
Kinesiology - Study of movement Kinescope - to see movement Telekinesis - far, distant movement
It is actually from the Latin 'movere', not from the Greek.
Some words containing the Greek root "faith" include confidence, fidelity, and infidel.
Some words with the Greek root "thesis" include thesis, synthesis, antithesis, hypothesis, and prothesis.
The Greek root of "atmos" is "atmo," meaning vapor or steam. This root is commonly used in words related to the atmosphere or air.
Protozoa has two root words, proto which is Greek for "first" and zoa which is Greek for "animal".
The Greek root for "wing" is "ptero-" as seen in words like pterodactyl (winged finger).
Some words derived from the Greek root "kyklos" include bicycle, cyclone, and encyclopedia. These words all relate to the concept of a circle or wheel, reflecting the meaning of the root.
Taxonomy is a word based on the Greek root words for laws (taxis) and classification (nomos).