Bend, fend, lend, mend, pend, send, tend, trend, rend, descend, dividend, portend, ascend and many,many more
wonder lend fond led now
borrow is a word that is opposite of lend.
Can you lend me your wheelborow
bend fend lend mend pend rend send tend wend vend
amendsappendsbackendsbendsBen'sblendsbookendscleansedefendsdensdependsdividendsendsextendsfendsfinsginsglenshensIan'sintendsJen'skin'slendslensmendsmen'sN-tends? ;-)openspenspretendsQuinn'srendssendssinsspendssuspendstensthinstrendstwinsunfriendsupendsvendsweekendswendswhen'swindswrensyenszensBendsdepends sendsoffendscomprehendsintends
lend tend bend pend
attend, bend, contend, depend, fend, godsend, subtrahend, apprehend, intend, lend, mend, stipend, rend, send, tend, comprehend, vend, wend
Some words that rhyme with "happened" include captioned, chaperoned, and rapprochement.
The Lend-Lease Act did not end anything. It was the beginning of the U.S. loaning arsenals to other countries. Specifically, G.B. needed weapons and the U.S. needed money during the beginning of WWII when the Lend-Lease Act was established.
Bend, fend, lend, mend, pend, send, tend, trend, rend, descend, dividend, portend, ascend and many,many more
wonder lend fond led now
A bank might lend you money if you apply for a loan. This comes down to grammar calisthenics. In US English the words are interchangeable. "Loan" is most commonly used in the US vernacular. However if you wish a strict reading of the words: Loan is a noun. Lend is a verb.
fry end friend lie den die lend dry fly rein rid red