That's the most humorous story I've heard all week.
Using connected words to make a word-association chain
A mouse is not as big as an elephant.
The story he told was quite humorous.
That's the most humorous story I've heard all week.
Yes you could make is ext.
Not without using other words that mean funny such as humorus, halarious, ect. But I guess you could if you said funny is a word or movement that is used to make someone laugh. Or to jsut be goofy.
just using your imagination and drawing funny things like for kids a dog running away with a cat.
Using all the letters, you could make derived.Using some of the letters, you could make the words derive, river, ride, veer, eve, died, did, dried, diver, drive, dive,etc.
The homophones for "muscle" (movement of the body) and "mussel" (type of shellfish) are "muscle," and "mussel." For "humorous" (to make jokes) and "humorous" (full of humor) the homophone is "humorous."
You can make the words: ma, me, am,
It depends on what "this" competitive advantage is. Please ask the question again using words that make it clear what you want to know.
no its by what you make it yourself
To mock the subject in a humorous way means to make fun of or ridicule something in order to entertain or provoke laughter. It involves using satire, sarcasm, or parody to criticize or point out the absurdity of the subject in a lighthearted manner.
Words using the letters from 'splash' include:ashhaslaplapslashpalsapsash