The word is "misspelled". The prefix is "mis-" and typically, you'd just add the base word. Here are other examples: mistaken (mis+taken) misinterpreted (mis+interpreted) misunderstood (mis+understood)
Yes, mis- is the prefix of mistreat. This prefix means not.
The prefix is 'mis' meaning bad, lack of, or incorrect.
The prefix in the word misplaced is mis-.
The prefix is mis-. The suffix is -ment.
Words with the same prefix as mismatch:miscalculatemisconstruemiscountmiscuemisdiagnosemisfortunemisjudgemisleadmismanagemisplacemispronouncemisreadmisrepresentmisstatemisstepmistreat
The word is "misspelled". The prefix is "mis-" and typically, you'd just add the base word. Here are other examples: mistaken (mis+taken) misinterpreted (mis+interpreted) misunderstood (mis+understood)
Yes, "mis-" is a negative prefix in English. It is often used to indicate a negative or opposite meaning, such as in words like "misunderstand" or "misguided."
Yes, mis- is the prefix of mistreat. This prefix means not.
misbehave misinform misappropriate
Misadventure, misspelled, mistake, misapprehension.
In the word "misunderstood", mis- and under- are prefixes.
The prefix "mis-" typically means "bad" or "wrong." In the words misanthrope, mistake, and misogyny, it conveys a sense of negativity or error.
A prefix is an affix at the beginning of a word. . Examples are UN, CO, PRE and MIS MISspelled UNhappy COworker PREquel
The prefix is "mis" and the root word is "informed."