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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

place misplace treat mistreat understood misunderstood there ya happpy

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Q: What words are examples with prefix mis?
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What are some words with mis prefix?


Which word does not have the same prefix as word mismatch?

Words with the same prefix as mismatch:miscalculatemisconstruemiscountmiscuemisdiagnosemisfortunemisjudgemisleadmismanagemisplacemispronouncemisreadmisrepresentmisstatemisstepmistreat

What real words begin with the prefix 'mis'?


How do you spell missspelled?

The word is "misspelled". The prefix is "mis-" and typically, you'd just add the base word. Here are other examples: mistaken (mis+taken) misinterpreted (mis+interpreted) misunderstood (mis+understood)

Is mis negative prefix?

Yes, "mis-" is a negative prefix in English. It is often used to indicate a negative or opposite meaning, such as in words like "misunderstand" or "misguided."

Is mis a prefix of mistreat?

Yes, mis- is the prefix of mistreat. This prefix means not.

Can you name 3 words with the prefix mis?

misbehave misinform misappropriate

What are words that start with mis the prefix?

Misadventure, misspelled, mistake, misapprehension.

What is the prefix of misunderstood?

In the word "misunderstood", mis- and under- are prefixes.

What does the prefix mis mean as in the words misanthrope mistake and misogyny?

The prefix "mis-" typically means "bad" or "wrong." In the words misanthrope, mistake, and misogyny, it conveys a sense of negativity or error.

What does prefix A mean?

A prefix is an affix at the beginning of a word. . Examples are UN, CO, PRE and MIS MISspelled UNhappy COworker PREquel

What is the prefix for misinformed?

The prefix is "mis" and the root word is "informed."