The literal dictionary definition of a word is described as its dictionary definition.It might also be called its standard definition, which implied the meaning - usage - ascribed to the word is standard to all or most major dictionaries.A dictionary definition is assumed to be the literal and common (popular) usage of a word unless otherwise indicated.
I think you could make the argument that the word "pointless", by definition, is the most pointless word in the English Dictionary.
Denotation is the literal meaning of a word, the dictionary definition. Denotation is the literal definition of a word, without any assumed or implied meanings. The most direct or literal meaning of a word.
A synonym of deduce
I have heard that the word "set" has the longest entry in the Oxford Dictionary because of the many different meanings it has.
In the Oxford English Dictionary the word which takes up the most space in terms of definition is 'set'.
The definition of gOOgle in the Urban Dictionary would be the most efficient and reliable of internet engines available. It is the fastest and most popular and respected company.
True, Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass<3 However, physicists say that some particles of matter are massless, such as photons.
The literal dictionary definition of a word is described as its dictionary definition.It might also be called its standard definition, which implied the meaning - usage - ascribed to the word is standard to all or most major dictionaries.A dictionary definition is assumed to be the literal and common (popular) usage of a word unless otherwise indicated.
I think you could make the argument that the word "pointless", by definition, is the most pointless word in the English Dictionary.
The most direct dictionary definition of the word "exalt" is "to raise or elevate." It can be used to mean raise in rank or position, or elevate and glorify by praise.
The definition can be found in a dictionary or online at many different sites. The Free Dictionary online defines prevailing as most frequent or common; predominant.
empty space
The most space of an atom is vacuum.
Denotation is the literal meaning of a word, the dictionary definition. Denotation is the literal definition of a word, without any assumed or implied meanings. The most direct or literal meaning of a word.
If you want a definition from a dictionary, open a dictionary and look up the word. What you'll get here is a wikianswers definition. It may also be of interest to you to know that different dictionaries have different definitions, so there is no one single dictionary definition for any word. Likewise, most words have more than one meaning. So, go ahead and try it.
Most people will recognise minuscule as another word for "very small". However, it has multiple meanings according to various dictionaries. Miniscule also means "a lower-case letter" or "written in small letters". The most extraordinary definition in the dictionary is "a small cursive 7th-century style of lettering derived from the uncial".