greatful is another word for happy
happy or glad
Jolly means noisily happy.
oppressed, subjugatednot very happy
The word happy is an adjective. Any word that modified happy would be an adverb.He is very happy.She is not happy.They are occasionally happy.The adjective happy has synonyms such as blissful, cheerful, joyous, jubilant, and merry.
The prefix "un-" could be added to the word happy to create the word "unhappy," which means not happy.
it means to be very very very very very very happy
Overjoyed (one word not two) means very happy.
The French sentence 'Nous sommes bien contents que ca te plaise' means We're very happy that makes you happy. In the word-by-word translation, the word 'nous' means 'we'. The verb 'sommes' means '[we] are'. The adverb 'bien' means 'very'. The adjective 'contents' means 'content, happy'. The conjunction 'que' means 'that'. The demonstrative pronoun means 'that'. The personal pronoun 'te' means 'you'. The verb 'plaise' means '[he/she/it] pleases'.Or: "We are quite happy that [it] pleases you."
greatful is another word for happy
Being unable to be happy means being Miserable
Jolly is another five letter word meaning merry or happy is another.
Healthappy (healthy and happy)
The word "voracious" rhymes with "vivacious" and means having a strong desire or appetite. An alternative word that means happy or joyful is "delirious."
Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This is a made-up word. It means "to make happy."