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adjectives: satisfied, happy, content

Verbs (past tense of "to please") - made me happy, satisfied

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago
  1. satisfied
  2. happy
  3. OK
  4. fine
  5. well
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Q: What word means the same as pleased?
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What is a word that means not able to be pleased?


What word means pleased and its second letter is L?

The likely word is "glad."

What is the prefix of the word pleased?

The prefix of the word pleased is "un-".

What part of speech is the word smug?

The word smug is an adjective. Smug means pleased with oneself.

What other word is the same meaning as pleased?

gratified, content, happy, satisfied, glad :)

Is the word pleased a verb?

Yes, the word pleased can be used as a verb.As in "he pleased his teacher".Other verbs are please, pleases and pleasing.

What's Pleased to bits?

It just means "very pleased."

What is a different happy word?

Synonyms are words that mean the same or close to the same thing. Some synonyms for the word "happy" would be: glad, joyful, giddy, pleased.

Can you use the word pleased in a sentence?

You may be very pleased with the answer you have got.

What word means the same as respond?

The word "reply" means the same as respond.

Is likewise a pronoun?

No, the word 'likewise' is an adverb, a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.Example: Mom was pleased with my effort. Dad likewise expressed appreciation.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.Example: Mom was pleased with my effort. She told dad what I had done. (the pronoun 'she' takes the place of the noun 'mom' in the second sentence)

Do livid and pleased mean the same thing?

Not at all. "Livid" means red. A person is usually described as livid because they are so angry that their skin has reddened from increased blood pressure. So if you overhear, "I told my father that the car was wrecked and he was livid", Daddy was not pleased at all. He was furious.