Out dated.
it means to find light or get past something
The word "befuddled" is the past tense of the word "befuddle". The basic meaning of the word befuddled means to be in a state of confusion or to be perplexed.
No, it is not. It just means owned
it is a past tense word which means then like you say now that is then so you saying then.
past record means tae
it means " knowing the past "
In Latin the word that means 'looking back on past events' is 'retrōspectus'. In English, this is 'retrospect'.
Make Out - Make Out Lang. "Lang" is a Filipino word that means "simply" or "just". A MOMOL relationship means the couple has not gotten past the make out stage.
The word "retrospective" most likely means looking back at past events.
it means " knowing the past "
Out dated.
The word you are looking for is "regret."
The Word 'Just" works.
The word "eternity" can be used to describe both the past and the future as encompassing all time.