The root word of prejudice is jud- which means to judge. Combined with the prefix pre- which means before, prejudice has the meaning of to judge before.
"anchor ?" pundit
Ah, the prefix for "judge" is "re-." It's like giving something another go, a chance for a fresh start. Just like how a blank canvas can turn into a beautiful painting with a little patience and creativity. Remember, mistakes are just happy accidents waiting to be fixed!
There is only one syllable in the word 'judge'.
The word "delante" means "in front (of)". Eg. In front of a judge = Delante de un juez.
"unpire" is not a word in the English language.An umpire is a judge in a contest (often sports)
no she was a judge
The prefix "crit-" means to separate or choose. It is derived from the Greek word "krite," which means judge or decide.
Qadi is an Arabic word that means the Judge
Very Athletic :DD
"Jeux de sports" is a French phrase which means literally "Sports Games". The "jeux" part of this means "games" and the word sports is exactly the same in French and in English.
Umpire, judge, arbiter, ref, adjudicator...
The root word of prejudice is jud- which means to judge. Combined with the prefix pre- which means before, prejudice has the meaning of to judge before.