humble, meek, modest, unconceited...
Meek is an adjective.
plainscaredfaintquietAfraid, cowardly, fearful, meek, shy, timid, weak, good.
The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.
When heroic means brave, the antonym is cowardly or fearful. When heroic means prodigious or grand, the antonym is modest. When heroic is used in literature to mean classical, the antonym is modern.
bold, emboldened, immodest, , uninhibited
I believe stentorian means "very loud or powerful in sound." Therefore, the antonym of this word would probably be "quiet or meek in sound."
cowardly, timid, meek
humble, meek, modest, unconceited...
Meek is an adjective.
plainscaredfaintquietAfraid, cowardly, fearful, meek, shy, timid, weak, good.
In reference to human personality, some antonyms for pugnacious would be: gentle, warm, docile, pacifistic, meek.
The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.
When heroic means brave, the antonym is cowardly or fearful. When heroic means prodigious or grand, the antonym is modest. When heroic is used in literature to mean classical, the antonym is modern.
Brutish means beastlike, carnal. Antonyms of the word brutish include good, kind, nice, humane, gentle, meek, mild, civil, refined, cultured, polite, etc.
meek = anav (ענו)