Dictionary there is an A
In the dictionary, the word 'breath' would come before the word 'breathe.' This is because the dictionary is organized alphabetically.
In the dictionary, maybe comes before maypole.The dictionary lists words in alphabetical order and the b in maybe comes before the p in maypole.If a dictionary lists 'matbe' as a word, it would come before 'maypole', because 'mat..' comes before 'may...'(But 'matbe' isn't a word. Well, not yet it isn't. But, of course, sometime in the future it matbe!)If the intention was to ask: "In the dictionary, which comes first: 'maybe' or 'maypole'?", then see Related questionsbelow.
This is not an English word. If you need a translation please say which language the word comes from so we can look it up in a dictionary for you.
The word that comes first in a dictionary is typically "aardvark."
The word "gargantuan" comes after "garfish" in the dictionary.
Dictionary there is an A
The word that comes after "reed" in the dictionary is typically "reef."
if you look up the dictionary the word that comes after rash is rasher.
the answer is lass
To get a word from the dictionary you have to get a wand and tap the book 3 times and the word comes up and so does 15 cookies
if you look in the dictionary the answer is consul
Hmm well why don't you look in a dictionary and see? =P
In the dictionary, the word 'breath' would come before the word 'breathe.' This is because the dictionary is organized alphabetically.
It is a Latin word 'dictonarium' meaning collection of words and phrases