Most popular names in England for 2011 are:AmeliaOliviaLilyJessicaEmilySophieGraceRubyAvaIsabellaEvieChloeMiaPoppyIslaEllaIsabelleSophiaFreyaDaisy
As of 2009, it was the 39th most popular girl's name.
Both spellings "quarreling" and "quarrelling" are recognized by the dictionary - the spelling with a single L is the spelling most popular in American English, while the spelling with a double L is most popular in the British English.
English people eat many dishes that are found elsewhere in the world. But one of the most popular things to eat is Fish + Chips (chips as in French Fries).
The most common name was Elizabeth as well as such things as Agnes, Jane and others.
There are several English names of the Lobelia genus. Some of the most popular include: Asthma weed, Barfweed, Indian Tobacco, Pukeweed, and Vomitwort.
The most popular names of 2011 are Isabella and Jacob.
Most popular names in England for 2011 are:AmeliaOliviaLilyJessicaEmilySophieGraceRubyAvaIsabellaEvieChloeMiaPoppyIslaEllaIsabelleSophiaFreyaDaisy
The most popular is Goldie
Here's a link to a site with a bunch of diverse, interesting given names (and a list of surnames) from the 13th and 14th centuries: jim-bob was really popular
The most popular baby names in 1999 were Jacob Michael and Matthew
The most popular names for boys are Liam and Noah, while the most popular names for girls are Olivia and Emma.
For Indians they the popular last were Patel and khetani mostly. For normal English people, the most popular were: Thompson, Jones, Evans, Clarke, Stewart and Smith
the most popular boys names are jack and lewis
The most common names to date in the English language are James, Ryan, and Cameron.
The most popular baby names for 2010 are AidEn, Jacob, Jackson, and Ethan.