Winning the contest is one of my greatest achievements
Yes, achievements is the plural form for the noun achievement.
I am humbled by the attention brought by my latest achievement.
The abstract noun for achieve is achievement.
An achievement is a goal which has been achieved by someone in a particular exercise, an accomplishment, or a successful performance.
The greatest achievement of the Inca empire was the building of Macchu Picchu.
Bobby Orr's greatest achievement ever was that he was a defenseman with an offensive mind.
The greatest achievement of any gay person is to live a happy, healthy life.
The greatest achievement of the Han Dynasty was the seismograph and the art of making paper.
His temple
your birth
Her greatest achievement was saving john smith and making her live better
He considered his lifelong greatest achievement (when asked at around 86 years of age), lifelong celibacy.
I think that the greatest achievement was art, science and technology.
The answer to this depends greatly on how one measures achievement. Some might consider his self-enlightenment to be his greatest achievement. Others might see his gathering of vast numbers of followers as his greatest achievement. Still others might consider his benevolent rule as the king of his clan to be his greatest achievement. The only way to answer this is to study the life of the Buddha for yourself.
His resurrection from the dead.
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