quiver either means... a quiver of arrows. wich is the plural noun of the word arrow. or if somebody quivers it is a verb and it is when they shake. usually because the person is cold or scared.
Yes, the verb 'shake' is an action verb, a word for an action.Example: I'd like to shake your hand.The word 'shake' is also a noun.Example: The shake was felt hundreds of miles from the epicenter.Verb: shake, shakes, shaking, shaken, shook.Noun: shake, shakes.
Some verb that starts with "D" are deplore, denigrate, dodge, and duck.
No, hot and cold are adjectives.
No, cold is not a verb. It can be an adjective (It was so cold last night...) or a noun (I can't believe I still have this cold!)
quiver either means... a quiver of arrows. wich is the plural noun of the word arrow. or if somebody quivers it is a verb and it is when they shake. usually because the person is cold or scared.
"Shook" is the past tense of the verb, "to shake".
The verb that starts with "re" and means to turn around like a wheel is "revolve."
Yes, the verb 'shake' is an action verb, a word for an action.Example: I'd like to shake your hand.The word 'shake' is also a noun.Example: The shake was felt hundreds of miles from the epicenter.Verb: shake, shakes, shaking, shaken, shook.Noun: shake, shakes.
The verb to shiver (shivers, shivering, shivered) is to tremble with cold or fear.
The word Xerox is used as a verb. It means to make a copy.
The past tense of the verb "shake" is "shook."
"Quiver" can be a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to a case for holding arrows. As a verb, it means to tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion.
A verb that starts with I- Illustrate
"Estar" is a verb that means "to be," and "resfriada" is an adjective for "stricken/diseased with a cold."
No, it is a verb form (to shake) or an adjective. The noun is shake.