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The term 'teacher of maths' is a noun plus a prepositional phrase.

  • The noun 'teacher' is a common, singular, concrete noun; a word for someone who teaches; a word for a person.
  • The noun 'maths' (also 'math') is an common, uncountable (mass), abstract noun; a shortened form of the noun 'mathematics'; a word for the science of number, quantity, and space; a word for a thing.
  • The word 'of' is a preposition, a word that connects it object (maths) with another word in the sentence (teacher).
  • The term 'teacher of maths' functions as a noun phrase, a group of words that functions as a unit as a noun in a sentence.

A noun phrase functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition. Examples:

  • The teacher of maths is Ms. Webster. (subject of the sentence)
  • The grade that the teacher of math gave me was a surprise. (subject of the relative clause)
  • The principal called the teacher of maths to her office. (direct object of the verb 'called')
  • I gave the teacher of math my homework. (indirect object of the verb 'gave')
  • We're waiting for the teacher of maths to arrive. (object of the preposition 'for')

Note: The complete noun phrase is 'the teacher of maths' (or 'the teacher of math).

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10y ago

The noun 'math teacher' is a singular, common, compound, concrete noun; a word for a person.

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10y ago

The noun 'math book' is a singular, common, concrete, compound noun, a word made up of two or more words joined to form a noun with a meaning of its own.

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What type of noun is math?

The noun 'math book' is a singular, common, concrete, compound noun, a word made up of two or more words joined to form a noun with a meaning of its own.

Is math book is noun or adjective?


What is the adjective in the sentence He quickly opened a math book?

There is no adjective in the sentence.The word math is a noun, a short form for mathematics, used to describe another noun. This is called an attributive noun (a noun that modifies another noun and functions as an adjective). The term math book can also be considered a compound noun.

What is the adjective in the sentence Where did you leave your math book?

There is no actual adjective in the sentence. The noun "math" (mathematics) comes before the noun "book" but this is called a noun adjunct or attributive noun, rather than an adjective, which would describe a characteristic of the book (large, new, thick).

What type of pronoun is the noun that refers to or replaces?

I think you mean what is the noun that a pronoun replaces. The noun that a pronoun replaces is called the antecedent. Example:In the sentence: John lost his math book, I think this belongs to him.The noun 'John' is the antecedent for the pronoun 'him'.

What type of noun is book?

The noun book is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a thing.

What type of noun is the word book?

The noun 'book' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a thing.The word 'book' is also a verb and an adjective.

Group of pronouns are used in the possessive case?

Possessive pronouns takes the place of a noun that belongs to someone or something.The possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.For example: John lost his math book, this book must be his.Possessive adjectives describe a noun and are placed just before the noun they describe.The possessive adjectives are my, our, your, his, her, its.For example: John lost his math book, this must be his book

What is a math book?

a math book is were u learn math

What is the hyperbole of a heavy math book?

The math book was as heavy as a mountain.

What is a pronoun in the possessive case?

There are two types of pronouns in the possessive case. They are:possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, their, its.Possessive pronouns take the place of a noun that belongs to someone or something.For example: John lost his math book, this book must be his.Possessive adjectives describe a noun as belonging to someone or something.For example: John lost his math book. This must be his book.

What is the Envision math book?

it is a book that teaches math.