

Best Answer

Claiming or accepting credit for another person's research, ideas, or writing
An academic thief that copies works from others and uses it as its own. Since stealing is an offense, anybody caught plagiarizing can be prosecuted.

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Q: What the best definition for the word plagiarism?
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Related questions

What is the best definition the word plagiarism?

Plagiarism - is copying a piece of text 'word for word' and using it as your own work - instead of acknowledging the original author.

What is the best definition for the word plagiarism?

Plagiarism - is copying a piece of text 'word for word' and using it as your own work - instead of acknowledging the original author.

Is it considered plagiarism is you write the dictionary definition word for word?

Yes, of course, as there is no such thing as a unique 'dictionary definition' for a word. What you'd be doing is picking one dictionary, whether it be the OED, or Websters, etc, and plagiarising the wording that they chose to use to define it.

When writing a paper about plagiarism do you need to put the definition of plagiarism in quotation marks?

No, it is not necessary to put the definition of plagiarism in quotation marks unless you are directly quoting a source. Otherwise, you can simply state the definition in your own words or paraphrase it.

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Freedment is not a word, so there is no definition.

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The simplest is to be very careful and to avoid plagiarism.

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Is it considered plagarism if you copy the dictionary definition?

Yes, copying word-for-word from a dictionary without proper citation is considered plagiarism, as it is a form of intellectual theft. It's important to paraphrase the definition or provide proper attribution if using it in your own work.