The first foot-print
Using the word as a noun the stress is on the first syllable. Using the word as a verb the stress is on the second syllable.
The stress is on the second syllable 'tin'
the second syllable
Stress the first syllable: HALLway
Footprint is stressed on the first syllable.
"Footprint" has first syllable stress, so the "foot" syllable is emphasized more than the "print" syllable.
The stress syllable in the word "photographic" is on the third syllable, which is "-to-".
The stress syllable in the word "butterfly" is on the first syllable, "but".
The stress syllable in the word "paragraph" is the first syllable, "par."
The stress is on the first syllable in the word "superb."
The stress syllable in the word "infamous" is the second syllable, "fa."
The stress syllable in the word "afternoon" falls on the first syllable, "af-".
The syllable stress in the word "receive" is on the second syllable - re-CEIVE.
The word "tremendous" is stressed on the second syllable, which is "trem." This means that the "tre" syllable is pronounced with more emphasis than the other syllables in the word. The stress pattern in "tremendous" is known as a trochaic pattern, where the stress falls on the first syllable of the word.
first syllable - grass
Forefathers is stressed on the first syllable.
No, "service" is not a first syllable stress word. The stress falls on the second syllable in "service."