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Q: What sound does the letter o make in shovel?
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What kind of sound does 'o' make in border?

In the word "border," the letter 'o' makes the short vowel sound /ɔ/ as in "baw-der."

How do you say 'Hello' in Icelandic?

hæ or hallóthe letter æ makes the sound eyeand the letter ó make the sound the letter o ( meaning the way you say o)

Is o in outside short o sound?

No, the O in out (of outside) is part of the diphthong OU which is an OW sound and not the same as the short O. Words like "dot" and "got" have a short O sound. The OU/OW sound in "outside" is the same as the vowel sound in "sound", "doubt", "down", "foul", and "how".

Does program have a long or short vowel sound?

The word "program" has a short vowel sound for the letter "o."

Does whole have a short sound vowel?

Yes, the "o" in "whole" has a long sound, pronounced as /oʊ/.

What sound effect starts with the letter o?

You can hear the sound from an owl, ocean, oboe, orchestra and organ. They begin with the letter O.

What letters make the long I sound in typhoon?

The letters "y" and "o" make the long I sound in the word "typhoon."

What is the sound of the Greek letter o?

The Greek letter "o" is pronounced as the short "o" sound, similar to the "o" in the English word "top."

Which letter is silent in boulder-?

The letter 'U' is silent in the word 'boulder', the 'u' helps make the 'O' sound.

Does boat has a silent letter?

No. Some people MIGHT think that the o or the aare silent, which is wrong. When o and a are put together they make the sound oh.

Which vowel does drew have long or short o sound?

The word "drew" has a long vowel sound for the letter "o." In this case, the letter "o" sounds like the name of the letter itself, like in "go" or "stone."

Does popcorn have a long or short vowel sound?

"Popcorn" has a short vowel sound for the letter "o."