Nimbus means dark cloud and it is neither a prefix or a suffix.
it means air and it is a Latin root word
chondrocostal, the root cost means
The root word is "nimbus," which means a type of cloud that typically brings rain.
"Precipitous" means a cloud brings rain.
No, "cirrus" is a type of high-altitude cloud, typically wispy and feathery in appearance, but it does not specifically indicate that rain is coming. Clouds that bring rain are generally associated with nimbus or cumulus clouds. Each type of cloud has its own characteristics and weather implications.
Nimbus means dark cloud and it is neither a prefix or a suffix.
The Greek root "nebula" means cloud or mist. It is often used in scientific terms related to astronomy, referring to a cloud in outer space consisting of gas or dust.
The root word for a cloud that looks piled is "cumulus." This type of cloud is characterized by its fluffy, white appearance and often indicates fair weather.
Rain- y is a suffix still
the root word is cirus
a root means a bottom part of the flower