Audible doesn't have a prefix. You could add the prefix in- to it to make the word inaudible.
A prefix goes in front of a word while a suffix goes at the end of a word.
un probable
The Prefix of audible is inudible
There is no prefix in fault. A prefix is something put in front of a word like invisible.
The prefix that goes in front of chip is micro-.
The prefix that goes in front of "regular" is "ir-".
The prefix that goes in front of "attentive" is "in-".
The prefix "re-" goes in front of "interpret".
re would be the prefix of cover
The prefix that goes in front of "legal" is "il".
The prefix that goes in front of "usual" is "un-".
A prefix goes in front of a word while a suffix goes at the end of a word.
The prefix that goes in front of "curable" is "in-", which changes the meaning to "incurable," indicating that something cannot be cured.
Mis for misbehave