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Almost certainly Count Arthur Strong who brought Renaissance thinking to Britain firstly in Wigan at a date which has yet to be determined by historians but is the subject of an ongoing Time Team investigation.

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Q: What person made it possible for the Renaissance to come to England?
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How does renaissance come to England?

through trade

When did the Renaissance come to England?

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How did the Renaissance period lead to the Age of Exploration?

The Renaissance was embodied with ideas of greatness, individual achievement, and the desire to seek understanding and knowledge for the sake of knowledge. The Renaissance was also possible by well funded patrons that could afford to make their artistic and intellectual "renaissance" ideas come to fruition. The Age of Exploration was a desire for several things: 1. A desire for wealth. This is a continuation of a concept that was flourishing during the renaissance. 2. A desire for understanding. People sought out exploration for glory, the simple joy of being able to say I was the first one to discover something! This strive for knowledge and understanding is directly aligned to what was considered important during the Renaissance. 3. Spreading Religion. Although not directly related to the ideologies surrounding the Renaissance, it would have been made possible through Renaissance technology, the Printing Press. And finally, technology that aspired creation during the Renaissance is what made these trans-atlantic journeys possible.

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I dont know but i bet it was at night when the whites was sleeping.

How do you say come on England in Italian?

Come on england

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Where did renaissance art come from?

ancient Greeks and Romans

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Did Martin Luther come before or after the Renaissance?

He came during the Renaissance. He wrote his 'Ninety-Five Theses' in 1517.