That is the correct spelling of the word "undeniable" (irrefutable).
The part of speech that the word my is used as is an adjective.
Yes, undeniable does have a prefix. The prefix is un-.
A suffix changes a word's part of speech. For example, the word 'happy' is an adjective. But when you add a suffix, which is an ending, it can change the part of speech. Happily is an adverb. Happiness is a noun.
It's undeniable that you can not write a sentence using the word "undeniable".
Undeniable is an adjective, not a verb.
That is the correct spelling of the word "undeniable" (irrefutable).
The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.
The part of speech that the word my is used as is an adjective.
Yes, undeniable does have a prefix. The prefix is un-.
The part of speech for the word diplomacy is a noun.
The part of speech for the word civilian is English grammar.
H is a letter, not a word. To be a part of speech, it needs to be a word.
The part of speech for the word "boulevard" is a noun.
The word speech is a noun.
The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.