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Fluently is an adverb.

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Q: What part of speech is fluently?
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What is superlative of fluently?

The superlative form of fluently is "most fluently".

What does dysfluency mean?

Dysfluency refers to difficulty speaking fluently, characterized by interruptions in the flow of speech such as repetitions, prolongations, and blocks. It is commonly seen in individuals with speech disorders like stuttering.

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The part of speech for "answer" is a noun.

What does elquent mean?

"Eloquent" means having the ability to express oneself fluently and persuasively in speech or writing. It refers to being articulate and skillful in communication.

What is the comparative and superlative of fluently?

The comparative form of "fluently" is "more fluently," and the superlative form is "most fluently." These forms are used to compare the level of fluency in speaking a language or performing a skill relative to others. The comparative form is used when comparing two things, while the superlative form is used when comparing three or more things.

What is the part of speech for explicit?

The part of speech for "explicit" is an adjective.

What is the part of speech for unfamiliar?

The part of speech for "unfamiliar" is an adjective.

What is the part of speech for indefinite?

The part of speech for "indefinite" is an adjective.