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An adjective

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Q: What part of speech is elementary?
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How do you start a elementary valedictorian speech?

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What speech choir piece is mostly used by the elementary children?

One popular speech choir piece used by elementary children is "The Rainbow Song." It is a simple and catchy piece that allows students to perform expressive movements while reciting the colorful lyrics.

What is the part of speech and definition of manufacture?

part of speech

What is the part of speech of momentous?

The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.

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What is the part of speech is answer?

The part of speech for "answer" is a noun.

Can you give some example for elementary recognition welcome address speech?

Recognition speeches in elementary school are generally given on a special day when good students are recognized. Since the speech giver is dealing with young children, the speech should be short, to the point, and engaging. The speech should talk about how well all the students have done and how proud they are.

What has the author Charles Van Riper written?

Charles Van Riper has written: 'Speech correction' -- subject(s): Disorders of Speech, Speech therapy 'Speech in the elementary classroom' 'Teaching your child to talk'

What is the part of speech for explicit?

The part of speech for "explicit" is an adjective.

What is the part of speech for unfamiliar?

The part of speech for "unfamiliar" is an adjective.