In that context agape means "wide open."
It depends on what you mean by "agape". Agape (pronounced uh-gay-p) means "open to a large extent". For example, "The person's mouth was agape after a skateboarder landed a very hard trick." Agape (pronounced a-ga-pay) means "love of humanity" or "impersonal love". For example, "It is through the agape of Christ that Christians seek redemption for their sins."
i want to know what part of speech is camping
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Agapē Agape was created in 2002.
In that context agape means "wide open."
The Mouth Agape was created in 1974.
It depends on what you mean by "agape". Agape (pronounced uh-gay-p) means "open to a large extent". For example, "The person's mouth was agape after a skateboarder landed a very hard trick." Agape (pronounced a-ga-pay) means "love of humanity" or "impersonal love". For example, "It is through the agape of Christ that Christians seek redemption for their sins."
Agapē Agape has 128 pages.
The duration of The Mouth Agape is 1.37 hours.
Agape is not a Greek god/goddess: it's a word.
I agape you (agape means love)
He was agape when he saw the spectacular view from the top of the hill.
Agape means in wonder, stare opened mouthed or in amazement.
The motto of Agape College is 'Training Leaders for Tomorrow'.
part of speech