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B flat

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Q: What note sounds like A sharp?
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What does a sharp note look like?

i looks sharp

What is the D sharp major scale?

Technically speaking, D sharp major is: D#, E#, F* (F double Sharp,) G#, A#, B#, C* (C double sharp) D#. ***note: a double sharp (*) means that the note sounds a whole step above the principal note. For example: F*=G.

What is the emharmonic of d flat?

The enharmonic of a note is another note that sounds the same, so the enharmonic of d flat would be c sharp.

What does a g sharp note look like?


What sounds like hard?

Sounds such as hammering, drilling, or stomping can be considered hard sounds, as they have a sharp and forceful quality.

Does the sharp go in front of the note or after?

If the note is on the bar, the sharp (or flat, or natural) goes before the note. If you are just writing the note out, the sharp goes after the note.

What does a SHARP sound like?

A note with a sharp sign sounds one half step higher than the same letter named note with out the sharp sign. More generally, "sharp" refers to a slightly higher pitch. For example, when adjusting two instrument to play in tune with each other, the one that is slightly (or not so slightly) higher in pitch is said to be sharp. Similarly, when a singer or instrumentalist sings or plays a note higher than accompanying instruments he/she is sharp.

Wheer is A sharp on the saxophone?

an a sharp is a b flat and that is holding down the C note the B note and the third key near your right hand that looks like a rectangle

What does it mean when you cough and get a sharp pain and buldge in your side?

That sounds like it could be a hernia.

What note is a semitone higher than B?

It would be a sharp/flat. Like A would be A#/Bb

In f sharp major what note is Do?

F sharp.

Is F sharp a bad sounding note?

Any note can sound horrible if it is not played in a progression of matching sounds or with different notes that "clash" or do not sound good together. But every note can sound good if played in an orderly manner. Personally, I play the trumpet and in the trumpet, the F sharp note is very important and is very common. So, any key or note can sound good or horrible depending on how you play it.