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Referring to a legislative body, it means that there is one "house".

The state legislature of Nebraska is unicameral. All other states have two houses. For example, California has a Senate and an Assembly.

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Q: What means the word unicameral?
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What is another word for the legislative term bicameral.?

bicameral means that there are two houses in the government. Unicameral means a one house. We have two like the house of representatives and the senate.

How do you use the word unicameral in a sentence?

Nebraska is the only US state with a unicameral legislature. Each state had one vote, but possibly several delegates, in the unicameral Congress under the Articles of Confederation.

Is our legislature bicameral?

If you mean Congress, yes. "camera" is actually the latin word for a chamber or private place. "Bicameral" derives from this word and because the prefix "bi-" means two, the word means "two houses" (Senate and House of Representatives) with overlapping and separate powers. Most state legislatures are also bicameral. If there is only one "house" it's called "unicameral" as the prefix "uni-" from latin means one. Nebraska is an example of a state with a unicameral legislature.

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Does Oklahoma have a unicameral legislature?

Yes. Oklahoma does have a unicameral legislature.

What is a one house legislature called?

unicameral A one house legislature is a unicameral. A two house legislature is a bicameral.