Ful is not a prefix. Some words with the suffix -ful are fanciful, mouthful, hateful, beautiful, etc.
spitefulbeautifulcolorfulFollow the link to Wiktionary's list of words with -ful suffix
Yes , you can say hopefully, suffixes ful and ly
it mean butt
graceful beautiful truthful fanciful careful respectful grateful delightful
The suffix of the word careful is "ful".
There are words that begin with the letter a and end with ful. However, there are no words on the English language that begin with the letters al and end with ful.
Ful is not a prefix. Some words with the suffix -ful are fanciful, mouthful, hateful, beautiful, etc.
Kelvin (value suffixed by K), Celsius / Centrigrade (value suffixed by °C), Fahrenheit (value suffixed by °F), Rankine (value suffixed by °R)
Some words that end in "ful" but are not used as a suffix include "dreadful," "soulful," and "bountiful." These words have the "-ful" ending that adds meaning to the base word without functioning as a typical suffix.
The past tense of suffix is suffixed.
Words that have the letters FUL and end in S are:armfulsartfulnessbashfulnessbountifulnessblissfulnesscupfulscarefulnesscheerfulnesscolorfulnesscupfulsdeceitfulnessdelightfulnessdisgracefulnessdistastefulnessdolefulnessdoubtfulnessdreadfulnessearfulseventfulnesseyefulsfaithfulnessfaithfulsfearfulnessfistfulsfitfulnessforcefulnessforgetfulnessforkfulsfretfulnessfrightfulnessfruitfulnessfulcrumsfulfillsfullbacksfullnessfulsomenessgleefulnessgracefulnessgratefulnesshandfulsharmfulnesshatefulnesshealthfulnesshelpfulnesshurtfulnessjoyfulnessjugfulsladlefulslawfulnesslustfulnessmasterfulnessmeaningfulnessmirthfulnessmistrustfulnessmournfulnessmouthfulsmugfulsneedfulnessneglectfulnesspailfulspainfulnesspanfulspitifulnesspitchurfulsplatefulsplayfulnessplentifulnesspridefulnesspurposefulnessregretfulnessremorsefulnessreproachfulnessresentfulnessresourcefulnessrespectfulnessrestfulnessrightfulnessroomfulsruefulnesssackfulsscoopfulsscornfulnessshamefulnessshovelfulssinfulnessskillfulnessslothfulnesssorrowfulnessspitefulnessspoonfulssuccessfulnesssuspensefulnesstablespoonfulstactfulnesstastefulnesstearfulnessteaspoonfulsthankfulnessthimblefulsthoughtfulnesstruthfulnesstubfulstunefulnessusefulnessvengefulnesswakefulnesswastefulnesswatchfulnesswillfulnesswishfulnesswistfulnesswoefulnesswonderfulnesswrathfulnesswrongfulnessyouthfulnesszestfulness
eventful, that's about it
Most words just add -ful e.g. helpful, spiteful, painful, cheerful, useful, forgetfulIf the root word ends with a y, most words change the y for an i before adding -ful e.g beautiful, plentifulThere are a few exceptions to the rule. For example playful and skilful.CAREFULPEACEFULPOWERFULCOLORFULHELPFULPAINFULPLAYFULGRACEFULRESPECTFULBEAUTIFULFAITHFULAnd did you know that the best Pokemon is Snorlax. And the best Beyblde is Earth Wolf.
fulfillment , fulgurous, fuliginous that is all i found!
Fulfill. That's the only one I thought of.
Yes, the suffix in "helpful" is "-ful." This suffix is used to form adjectives from nouns or other adjectives, indicating full of or characterized by.