The noun fingers plual, common, concrete noun; the plural form for finger, a word for a thing.
The word 'finger' is both a verb (finger, fingers, fingering, fingered) and a noun (finger, fingers). The noun finger is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for one of the five digits of the hand, a thing designed to cover the fingers, such as the fingers of a glove, or a thing of a similar shape as a finger, such as a finger island. The noun finger is a neuter noun, a word for something that has no gender.
The collective noun for fingers is "hand." In anatomical terms, the fingers are part of the hand, which includes the palm and the digits (fingers). Therefore, when referring to all the fingers collectively, we use the term "hand."
The the noun 'kind' is an abstract noun as a word for type or class; having similar characteristics.The abstract noun for kind is kindness.
A common noun
A common noun.
Yes, "fingers" is a noun. It is a plural form of the noun "finger," which refers to the five digits on each hand.
The word 'finger' is both a verb (finger, fingers, fingering, fingered) and a noun (finger, fingers). The noun finger is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for one of the five digits of the hand, a thing designed to cover the fingers, such as the fingers of a glove, or a thing of a similar shape as a finger, such as a finger island. The noun finger is a neuter noun, a word for something that has no gender.
The collective noun for fingers is "hand." In anatomical terms, the fingers are part of the hand, which includes the palm and the digits (fingers). Therefore, when referring to all the fingers collectively, we use the term "hand."
The noun 'kind' is an abstract noun. There is no form for kind that is a concrete noun.
The noun 'kind' is an abstact noun as a word for a type or class. The abstract noun form of the adjective "kind" is "kindness".
The word 'kind' is both an adjective and a noun. The noun kind, a singular, common, abstract noun is a word for a group of individuals or instances sharing common traits; a category.The noun forms for the adjective kind are kindness and kindliness.
It's no kind of noun it is an adjective. The noun is ravenousness.
The the noun 'kind' is an abstract noun as a word for type or class; having similar characteristics.The abstract noun for kind is kindness.
The kind of reasoning you do on your fingers.
The knees, toes, and fingers are all hinge synovial joints.
It isn’t a noun at all. Replaces a noun.
The noun "street" is a common noun.