It is a plural noun. It can also be an adjective, as in a cattle ranch.
Yes, it is a noun. It can refer to a named version of a product, and also to the ownership mark placed on cattle and on other items.The verb to brand is to mark, and includes the traditional marking of cattle.
Noun : Cattle Pen - Verb : Seize, Capture
There is no specific collective noun for the noun bulls.The general collective noun for large animals such as cattle, zebras, walruses, etc. is a herd.
The the noun 'kind' is an abstract noun as a word for type or class; having similar characteristics.The abstract noun for kind is kindness.
The noun cattle is a common, plural, concrete noun; a word for bovines kept for the purpose of food or labor animals. Sometimes used as an alternate plural for cows. The collective nouns used for cattle a drift, a drove, a kine, a mob, a team (two animals used for work), or a herd of cattle.
They are collective nouns; a team of players; a flock of birds; a herd of cattle.
A herd of cattle
Yes, the noun 'cattle' is a word for any type of domesticated bovine usually raised for milk, meat, work, or breeding, including cows, steers, bulls, and oxen. The noun 'cattle' is a plural form of uncountable noun. The noun 'cattle' is a word for a type of thing, a type of living thing.
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It is a plural noun. It can also be an adjective, as in a cattle ranch.
The collective noun for cattle is a herd of cattle. The farmer drove his herd of cattle to the pasture on the hill. Some other collective nouns are a drift, a drove, a kine, a mob, or a team of cattle.
The noun "cattle" is only plural, never singular; a plural uncountable noun, a word for domesticated bovines as a group.
The noun 'cattle' is a plural uncountable noun (with no singular form), a word for domestic bovines (cows, heifers, steers, bulls, and oxen) held as property or raised for use, regardless of age, gender, type, breed or size. The noun 'cattle' is a type of uncountable noun called an aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements.The term for more than one bovine, is a cow, a heifer, a bull, etc.
Cattle is plural. Calf is the singular noun.
The noun herd is a count noun:A herd of cattle blocked the road.Several herds of cattle are pastured on our acreage.