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It is a describing adjective.

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Q: What kind of adjective is the word green in this sentence the girl wore a green hat to the fair?
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Can you have a sentence with an adjective and adverb?

Yes it is possible to have a sentence with an adjective and an adverb. eg The small girl danced lightly across the stage. small = adjective lightly = adverb

What is the noun or pronoun in the sentence the girl made an entry in her diary?

The nouns in the sentence are girl, entry, diary.The pronoun in the sentence is her, a possessive adjective describing the noun 'diary' as belonging to the girl.

Is 'fair' a homonym?

Yes, "fair" is a homonym because it has multiple meanings and pronunciations but the same spelling. It can mean just, unbiased or equitable, or it can refer to an event or gathering for entertainment and shopping.

Some you a example of a predicte adjective?

show me a example of predicate adjective involing a sentence "The girl is TIRED tonight."

The girl is having 40 table. What's is the adjective in it?

An adjective is a word that describes the qualities, traits or a number of a noun. therefore the adjective in the sentence is "forty table"

What is and example o f an adjective?

adjective is the words that describe a noun or a pronoun, and an example of an adjective is beautiful ex sentence The beautiful girl is sitting next to me.

How can you use sadness in a sentence with an adjective?

The young girl talked about her dad sadly when he died

Being the only Chinese girl in the class made Amy uncomfortable. what are the adjectives in the sentence?

The adjective in the sentence would be the word, " Chinese"

Examples of two word adjective used in a sentence?

the well-dressed girl attended a party

Is The girl with green eyes is it a noun phase or a clause?

"The girl with green eyes" is a noun phrase. It functions as a single noun in a sentence, describing a specific person with green eyes.

The small girl is running Is running an adjective?

No, "running" is a verb in this sentence, showing the action of the small girl. An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun, such as "small" describing the girl.

How do you construct sentences with noun and adjective?

A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.An adjective is a word used to describe a noun.A basic sentence is made up of a subject (a noun or pronoun) and a verb (an action or a state of being). A sentence must have a verb. Examples:The girl sings. (subject noun 'girl', verb 'sings')The little girl sings. (adjective 'little' describes the noun 'girl')A sentence can be simple or complex. In a complex sentence, a noun functions as the subject of the sentence or a clause, and as an object as the direct object or indirect object of the verb; and the object of a preposition. Examples:I heard a girl singing. (the noun 'girl' is subject of the clause; the clause 'a girl singing' is the direct object of the verb 'heard')We saw the little girl. (the noun 'girl' is the direct object of the verb 'saw', described by the adjective 'little')I gave the little girl a book. (the direct object of the verb 'gave' is the noun 'book'; the indirect object of the verb is the noun 'girl')The book was for a little girl. (the noun 'girl' is the object of the preposition 'for')A noun can also function as an adjective to describe a noun. This function is called an attributive noun (also called a noun adjunct). Example:I gave the little girl a story book. (the noun 'story' describes the noun 'book')A noun and an adjective can also function as subject complements.Subject complements are:A predicate nominative is a noun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject.A predicate adjective is the adjective following a linking verb which modifies (describes) the subject of the sentence.The girl was a child. (the noun 'child' restates the subject noun 'girl')The little girl was happy. (the adjective 'happy' is the predicate adjective describing the subject noun 'girl')